fish <3

she/they, 17
disc: knee.thief

find me on . .

gaming, art, baking, pink, the sims 4
( . _ . ) no thanks..
SIMPS, general weirdos, spamming

b4 u interact

idk just dont threaten to kill yourself over me

dont interact

french ppl, math enjoyers, pedophiles, losers, dweebs, nerds, geeks, british "ppl"

^^ media!
aib, pun pun, ddlc, needy streamer overload
the marias, lana del rey, tyler, kendrick, mitski

my faves <3

west coast
only in your dreams
i bet on losing dogs
motion sickness


i mostly draw ladies :) i have experience drawing characters, rendering, posing, etc. kinda negotiable prices!


pfp : $10
neck up : $15
torso up : $25
full body : $35
detail bg/pose: +$10